Why Mystery Shop?

Why mystery shop? Aiming for high standards each and every day ensures that employees promote and deliver your service to customers in the right way, mystery shopping has a fundamental role to play in delivering and maintaining these standards.

You invest a great deal into ensuring every new employee is familiar with company processes and also train them on how your customers should be treated. You then provide additional marketing activity to drive paying customers through your doors, job done. Why stop there though, building on that initial investment in training and marketing to test and maintain standards is a valuable investment for any company.

Progressive companies put measures in place beyond the traditional sales KPI’s and manger appraisals. Mystery shopping is the perfect tool to help you provide focus to your initial training activity and ongoing employee knowledge of service, marketing campaigns and compliance if required.

Providing great customer service leads to positive feedback and your ability to retain customers. After all your returning customers are where you generate your growth and future profits.

Identifying Service Trends

Whilst mystery shop provides a snapshot of service, repeat visits over a period of time help to build a robust picture of service and track improvements or areas of weakness. Reinforcing your company culture via mystery shopping demonstrates commitment to your staff and your customers. With a well designed programme, every customer has the potential to be a mystery shopper which helps to maintain product and brand standards beyond scope of the programme itself.

7 Benefits of Mystery Shopping: